How to reset WordPress admin user's password?

How to reset WordPress admin user's password?

#wordpress #hosting
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2 Answers

Jacobwallace answered 2 years ago
Jacobwallace answered 2 years ago

In WordPress, how can I change a user's password?

  1. Select Users from the Admin Panel menu.
  2. Select the user you want to update.
  3. Scroll down to the New Password area and select Generate Password from the drop-down menu. You can choose to have WordPress generate a new password for you, or you can create your own.
  4. To save, click the Update User button.
Kumkum Sharma answered 2 years ago
Kumkum Sharma answered 2 years ago

We can easily change Wordpress password from Wordpress dashboard:

  • Login to Wordpress.
  • Here click on "Users" option.
  • You will get all the created users, you can update password for required user. You can also update password from Wordpress database, you just have to update "Wp-options" table and update password for your user.
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