Welcome to the TheWebHostingDir.Com privacy policy.
When you use TheWebHostingDir.com services, you trust us with your information. This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what data we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it. This is important; we hope you will take time to read it carefully. And remember, you can find controls to manage your information and protect your privacy and security at My Account section on TheWebHostingDir.Com.
TheWebHostingDir.com does not provide web hosting services; it provides independent reviews of web hosting companies. Any information provided on our website aims to help visitors obtain comparative data about web hosting providers. However, we do not hold responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of available data. Any mistake in decision-making on your own will not hold TheWebHostingDir.com responsible for it.
We at TheWebHostingDir.com believe in visitors' privacy rights. The following are our privacy guidelines.
We collect your personal information at the time when you register with TheWebHostingDir.com. We also collect the IP address of your computer using which you register with us, which is used to analyze visitors' movement, obtain demographic information, and analyze the trends. Any additional information received will be provided by you voluntarily at the time of registration and not collected at all.
The information may share with the third parties engaged commercially with us and helping with the advertisement of this directory. May you share your personal information in case of corporate consolidation or sale. No prior permission will be required to obtain this since this is explicitly stated that we will do this as per the situation.
Since this is a web hosting provider's listing directory, any link available on this site is from a third party, also known as "Linked Web Sites." We do not have any control over the content of any such websites; we do not hold any responsibility for their contents.
We do not collect any data from children under 13 years of age. The reason for doing this directory is not intended to be used by children under the age of 13. Therefore, if we receive any such written notification about any such registration, the information will delete.
Data Retention & Deletion Rights - The Company promises to keep Your Data private and allow You to exercise your rights.
Can request access to your personal information. You can access, edit, or delete Your Personal Data directly from your account's settings. If you cannot complete these steps yourself, don't hesitate to contact [email protected] for help. It also allows you to get a copy of the personal data on file for You.
Request that the Personal Data that We have on You be updated/correct.
You have the liberty to have any incomplete or erroneous information about you that we have remedied. Object to your data being processed.
This right applies when We use legitimate interest as a legal basis for processing Your Personal Data. However, something about Your circumstances makes You want to object to our processing of your data. For example, if Your information/Data is being used for straightforward marketing reasons, you also have the privilege to object.
Request that your data be erased. You have the privilege to have Personal Data obliterated or removed if there is no valid basis for Us to keep processing it.
Request the transfer of your personal information. We shall feed Your Data to you or a third party you identify in a structured, often used, machine-readable manner. Please remember that this privilege only applies to automated data that you permitted us to use or that we used to complete a deal with you.
Refrain from giving your permission. You have the authority to decline your consent to use your personal information.
We may be unable to provide You with access to some aspects of the Service if You decline to give us your consent.
We reserve full rights to remove/change this privacy statement.