Do you think determining a site's host is a simple task? Well, you need to think twice!
Here comes a magical tool like never before. The chances of falling for the wrong hosting plan have been eliminated forever, and you'll get top recommendations of plans, which perfectly suit your needs. No deep knowledge is needed anymore.
Understanding competitor's strategy: You can just put your competitor's domain in our web host detector tool and figure out what sort of hosting they're using. This will reveal their web strategies.
Helpful while choosing a new host: Before considering a new web host, you can test a few sites similar to yours to figure out whether the host is good enough for your website or not.
Shield your content: content theft is a normal issue nowadays, and while filing a DMCA complaint, you need to know the host of the website involved in stealing your content. Our tool helps for the same.
If the tool fails to show you the host of your desired domain, then high chances are there that the domain isn't renewed. However, there are pretty few chances that our tools fail to recognize a live domain.
There are lesser than fewer possibilities that the tools fail to recognize the WebHost, but if it happens, you can consider the following:
If some site has shifted to a new host recently, there are chances that the tool shows you the old host. In such cases, you can tap the F5 key to simply refresh the page.
A few hostings rent Rackspace (or resell) hosting packages from big hosts, and that is the reason our tools may show you the parent host and not the reseller.
We never boast of being cent percent perfect, but we can exclaim with a broad chest that our tool is much more sophisticated and accurate than whoever is in competition. There are much higher chances to quench your question "Who hosts this website?" when you use our tool instead of others'.
Rather than depending on one technology, you use several sources to provide you the perfect answer.