What Is The Best Way To Advertise?

So, says it in the title bar,

what is the best ways to advertise?
free & paid?

please could people help me out here, thank you


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55 Answers

24x7servermanagement answered 7 years ago
24x7servermanagement answered 7 years ago

f the business is at it's starting stage then you can advertise it locally using the local medium. It can be advertising channels, mouth to mouth marketing.

As stated previously, social media is the best advertising medium as there are number of users online 24 hours. You can start posting on the pages related to your business to attract the co-related followers.

Facebook, Instagram are the best solutions. Make sure you have the best graphics and text for the online marketing.

When business will be well established then you can sign-up for the paid service of advertisement. There is pay per click charges of those services, you can sing-up to those services.

You can use the blogs for advertising. There are various professional adverting services too which will attract the genuine users.

I would suggest below points for advertise the hosting company -

  1. Add the comments section in your website so all your current customers can give the review on it which is publically visible.
  2. Social media - It is best option now a days because all people are 24 hours online on it. Always post the new offers, new services which you are launching.
  3. Mouth advertise - You can ask your current customers to provide the reviews to other interested people who would like to sign-up for hosting service. You can ask your friends for providing the information about your websites.
  4. Google ad-wards - You can sign-up for Google adwards to display your hosting service advertisement.
  5. Local advertisement channels - You can use this medium too for advertising.
ServerSea answered 13 years ago
ServerSea answered 13 years ago


Originally Posted by LandonM


Paid advertising can not be ever equivalent to Free advertising. It depends on your business nature. If you get free advertisement that effectively caters your business needs so you must go with it otherwise not.

In general, paid advertisements have been found most reliable and quality oriented as compare to free advertisement.

Well to Advertise you business according to its nature is most important thing. You should advertise your products in relatives sites or directories. It will help you more to increase your products value.

ServerSea answered 13 years ago
ServerSea answered 13 years ago


Originally Posted by mesas

That's true, I am agree with you @serversea. Forum posting is best way to advertise gating more traffic. And also it is fast effective. But some time is possible to problem of banned. If you do forum constantly and regularly in same site then google may band you. That's very bad effect on you business and problem of IP banned. Google consider you spam some time. So legaly and quality forum posting is best for promote a business.

Thanks Mesas for agreeing to me. You can also get good results by advertising on Social networking websites.

Kunnu Singh answered 14 years ago
Kunnu Singh answered 14 years ago

Paid: i am already try paid advertising and invest $150 and get only 5 - 10 click :(

but Free Advertising is good, Search in google "Free Classified" and submit your classifieds in all free sites.

- Blog Commenting
- Forum Posting,Reply,etc
- Advertise on your own other sites
- Free Classifieds
- Free URL Submission

Cheap Paid Advertisements:
- Business Listening in Yellow Pages
- Hosting Directory(Costly)
- Buy Links
- PPC Advertising, Page Impression
- Hire someone for posting your advertise in free sites. :)

Mesas answered 13 years ago
Mesas answered 13 years ago

Word of Mouth
While you can blab all you want about your business, people will listen only if other customers talk. So encourage them to spread the word about your business, if they are happy with your services and products. When people listen to reviews of fellow customers, they feel that they can trust the business better. A small trick here is to hire a 'talker' who will pretend to be your customer – for a fee – and talk about your business to prospective customer and talk at length about the awesomeness that your business is.

Kentran answered 7 years ago
Kentran answered 7 years ago


Originally Posted by poojamanocha

According to me you should give preference to free Advertisement.It is slow but results are for long time.

I do not agree with you. Free advertising is not as effective as paying. For example, if you sell using Facebook, otherwise paid advertising will be difficult to reach potential customers. This will take a lot of development opportunities of the business.

So, combine paid and free ads appropriately. Calculate budget for advertising in a reasonable way.

Rochelle answered 7 years ago
Rochelle answered 7 years ago


Originally Posted by AdvanceHosting

So, says it in the title bar,

what is the best ways to advertise?
free & paid?

please could people help me out here, thank you


Both free and paid advertisement is useful post brand awareness. For free techniques go with SEO, SMM, SMO and for paid go with PPC and google adwords. Both the techniques can get your site a better search engine ranking by boosting traffic to site.

Rahul Vaghasia answered 14 years ago
Rahul Vaghasia answered 14 years ago

Both the ways have their own pros & cons.

In the paid advertisements, sometime returns are much much lower compared to the cost of advertisement. For example, a banner on a well known hosting directory in a particular category will cost you $400 to $500 a month ... and returns are not that high :(

Free advertisements are much cheaper, but it is hard to find a good traffic using it. Or you need to do really hard work to have very good traffic.

ServerSea answered 13 years ago
ServerSea answered 13 years ago


Originally Posted by mesas

Hi @serversea
As you told that social networking sites are good source of advertisement. Do you have a list of good social networking sites i really need if you have please shear with me thanks

Hi mesas.Facebook is the best social networking website. you can see the list of social networking websites as below.


Mesas answered 13 years ago
Mesas answered 13 years ago

That's true, I am agree with you @serversea. Forum posting is best way to advertise gating more traffic. And also it is fast effective. But some time is possible to problem of banned. If you do forum constantly and regularly in same site then google may band you. That's very bad effect on you business and problem of IP banned. Google consider you spam some time. So legaly and quality forum posting is best for promote a business.

Kaaran answered 12 years ago
Kaaran answered 12 years ago

Firstly it depends upon your business. If your business is small or just started then advertising is must because awareness is important for customers. The best way of advertising is

  1. Internet :- E-mails
  2. Internet :- free sms sites like way2sms
  3. hoardings
  4. Distribute maximum pamphlets
  5. Distribute traffic card and brochures


LandonM answered 13 years ago
LandonM answered 13 years ago


Paid advertising can not be ever equivalent to Free advertising. It depends on your business nature. If you get free advertisement that effectively caters your business needs so you must go with it otherwise not.

In general, paid advertisements have been found most reliable and quality oriented as compare to free advertisement.

Robert4u answered 7 years ago
Robert4u answered 7 years ago

If you want quick results then paid advertising can be option but keep in mind its long term process at start there will be no profit. For long term seo and for seo the best option for me is the same thing which digital ocean do their tutorials come whenever I search for seo and they are best you can do same and get good results.

Sanersone answered 12 years ago
Sanersone answered 12 years ago

If you are looking at online advertising, then there are various free resources that can be utilized. You can make use of the article directories, blogging websites, forums and communities for advertising and for backlinks as well. With a good online presence, getting good incoming traffic will not be a problem at all.

Bruce answered 13 years ago
Bruce answered 13 years ago

Working on SEO is a must for every website to get in the serches. If you work properly on the On-page and Off-page SEO techniques, you will be benifited. You can use forums and blogs, include your signature for advertisment. Apart from this you can opt for banner advertisments and text links on high PR websites.

Saurabh Mathur answered 7 years ago
Saurabh Mathur answered 7 years ago

Its depend on your business both are good. If you want to go for free then do off page SEO or do social media and play and on Classified Sites. If you you want paid then you can play ads on Facebook and adword but its depend on your business If your targate customers are on facebooks then its worth full.

JacobH answered 14 years ago
JacobH answered 14 years ago

The best way to advertise your website or business are SEO and internet marketing. They are really effective in generating traffic and visitors. Some SEO strategy that you can use to advertise your business or website are link building, social bookmarking, article submission and directory submission.

Saurabh Mathur answered 7 years ago
Saurabh Mathur answered 7 years ago

I think free advertisement are better than the paid ones. They are giving the response as slow but, the advantage is that they last for long time and thus, the customers will get all those benefits as they are getting in paid ones, but here they are getting free of cost that is non-paid.

Todd0taylor answered 8 years ago
Todd0taylor answered 8 years ago

If you work properly on the On-page and Off-page SEO techniques, you will be benifited. You can use forums and blogs, include your signature for advertisment. You should advertise your products in relatives sites or directories. It will help you more to increase your products value.

SevenL_Leon answered 14 years ago
SevenL_Leon answered 14 years ago

The most cost effective method is probably SEO - generating your traffic through organic search.
In the web hosting business, you probably shouldn't go for PPC because the leads are very expensive. It could go up to $20-30 per lead which is really not worth the investment.

Rackend answered 7 years ago
Rackend answered 7 years ago

I believe that social media marketing nowadays is the most profitable way of advertisements. It gives user interaction and good amount of traffic of your targeted customers if everything is done properly. However it is very competitive niche and you must be very fast in that.

Gustavo answered 9 years ago
Gustavo answered 9 years ago

For Long term advertisement you need free marketing..
Do paid advertisement when there is some festivals, Other wise Free advertisement is the best way. You can post your Offer, ads into Social Media, in Forums, Blogs, Optimize your pages so you will get good clicks etc..

Saurabh Mathur answered 7 years ago
Saurabh Mathur answered 7 years ago

There are many ways for adveting. You want to know which one is good paid or Free they depend on your need or Budget If you have hight budget then play full paid marketing if you have low budget then do proper off page SEO and little bit invest money on paid ads.

Maeacuemo answered 8 years ago
Maeacuemo answered 8 years ago

Use the local press
Create and distribute niche flyers
Win over an influential blogger
Invest in Google AdWords
Try social media advertising
Create a Google Places listing
Honest advertising practices

Hilton answered 7 years ago
Hilton answered 7 years ago

Marketing Online

  1. Start a web presence
  2. Use Twitter.
  3. Create a Facebook page.
  4. Get on Yelp.
  5. Build your Google Places listing.
  6. Create an account with a free online directory.
  7. Join appropriate online communities.
Squeeze answered 8 years ago
Squeeze answered 8 years ago

Look for good forum to advertise.Put all the info and details of your products including external links but before that make sure to read rules and regulation of one forum before you post to avoid banned and to have a title of spammer.So be careful

Josephpratt answered 13 years ago
Josephpratt answered 13 years ago

I think the best way of advertising is promoting link on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and media websites such as youtube !! Another way is working on SEO or web developing!!

Outshinesol answered 7 years ago
Outshinesol answered 7 years ago

Both Services are good for online advertising, it completely depends on the requirement of any business. SEO is a very slow process in the promotion of website but very stable and long term helpful. I would like to suggest you go with SEO.

Saurabh Mathur answered 7 years ago
Saurabh Mathur answered 7 years ago

I think internet is the best way for anyone to advertise. You can try up for free rather than paid one, as it has more cost effective, and price issues which will easily attract to the customers and will affect to the purchase.

Kabirthapar answered 8 years ago
Kabirthapar answered 8 years ago

The best ways of advertising are Search engine optimization and Pay Per Click. Business email list marketing is a highly cost-effective method of reaching business by specific industry with your product or service messages.

Saurabh Mathur answered 7 years ago
Saurabh Mathur answered 7 years ago

Both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages include with them. But, I prefer to free web hosting service, their results came across little slower but, they last for long and are more reliable than paid ones.

Walkers answered 8 years ago
Walkers answered 8 years ago

Some companies are using email and sms marketing for advertising its services. Perhaps this is working and it is efficient if you have a good email database but if you don't this could be useless and recieved as spam.

Robert911 answered 8 years ago
Robert911 answered 8 years ago

They are really effective in generating traffic and visitors. Some SEO strategy that you can use to advertise your business or website are link building, social bookmarking, article submission and directory submission.

Saurabh Mathur answered 7 years ago
Saurabh Mathur answered 7 years ago

Its depend on your business but I can give you some general tips which evey business need. Like you sholud to Off page SEO ativity and do man focuse on Social media for brand awareness and side by side play paid ads.

Aakashaspect answered 9 years ago
Aakashaspect answered 9 years ago

The best way is Social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, tumblr, vk, Flickr, vine, meetup, tagged, ask, classmates, plus.google, meetme, YouTube, snapchat, Reddit, swarm app, v tag, pheed etc..

Saurabh Mathur answered 7 years ago
Saurabh Mathur answered 7 years ago

There are many ways for running free ads but I suggest you these activity (.Classified Sites. Social Media. Blog Commenting and Article Submission.) And for paid ads (Google Ads. .Guest posting Facebook paid ads.)

VPSlices answered 7 years ago
VPSlices answered 7 years ago

I'd say target forums that allow advertising, try to join the community, not just register and posting, and also try other methods mentioned above. Also SEO might be a good choice too, so keep that in mind.

Saurabh Mathur answered 7 years ago
Saurabh Mathur answered 7 years ago

Paid and Free both are good If you go with paid advertisement you will get instant result but you will not get estability and If you go with free advertisement you got estability but not get intent result.

Mesas answered 13 years ago
Mesas answered 13 years ago

Hi @serversea
As you told that social networking sites are good source of advertisement. Do you have a list of good social networking sites i really need if you have please shear with me thanks

ServerSea answered 13 years ago
ServerSea answered 13 years ago

On Internet you can market your products and get good results in few days. Forum posting, directory submission, blog commenting and Social networking sites are the great source of marketing/

Ewebmaster answered 12 years ago
Ewebmaster answered 12 years ago

The best ways to advertise are:
-Social Bookmarking
-Article Posting
-Online Directories
-Forums Participation
-Email Marketing
-Facebook ads etc

Dam_david answered 12 years ago
Dam_david answered 12 years ago

The best way is paid advertise,this will help to increase the traffic and you will get backlinks the paid advertise exactly placed where its related.

Host.co.in answered 13 years ago
Host.co.in answered 13 years ago

A paid banner advertisement at a web-page which has tons of visitors everyday, is what I would like to use for traffic generation for my website.

ServerSea answered 14 years ago
ServerSea answered 14 years ago

Now a days the best way to Advertise your business to to advertise your website on social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter and orkut.

PJ Taei answered 12 years ago
PJ Taei answered 12 years ago

Depending on which is your goal. Seem to be normal, to use all free methods. If these are not enough apply paid advertising.

Alva answered 12 years ago
Alva answered 12 years ago

For advertising, one can work with ad networks such as cj, ReachJunction, because online ads isn't the ones in the past.

ServerSea answered 13 years ago
ServerSea answered 13 years ago

Forum posting is also very Fruitful way to Advertise your product but for me the best way is Social networking websites.

Ewebmaster answered 12 years ago
Ewebmaster answered 12 years ago

The best way to advertise:
Blog commenting,
Forums participation,
Social media,
PPC campaigns,

Markhenry answered 11 years ago
Markhenry answered 11 years ago

Pay-Per-Click(PPC) is the Best way for Advertising..
This makes your site listed in the top of the google page..

Micronet VPS answered 12 years ago
Micronet VPS answered 12 years ago

If you want to avoid spending cash, forums are a good place, although you have to join in with the community first.

Poojamanocha answered 13 years ago
Poojamanocha answered 13 years ago

According to me you should give preference to free Advertisement.It is slow but results are for long time.

PJ Taei answered 12 years ago
PJ Taei answered 12 years ago

Use all the free solutions ( usually they are time consuming) and paid advertising if you need it.

ServerSea answered 13 years ago
ServerSea answered 13 years ago

Facebook is the best option for advertising. You can increase the page rank within few days.

ServerSea answered 13 years ago
ServerSea answered 13 years ago

Also emails is a good source of marketing also its very cheap solution you can consider it.

Mona159 answered 12 years ago
Mona159 answered 12 years ago

SEO and PPC are good for advertisement

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