10 Answers
Usually, once you install a Wordpress on your website, you don't need a control panel to manage that. Wordpress itself provides you a very good admin area to manage your website or a blog. A good control panel is only required to manage your hosting features like creation of FTP, email addresses, dns, sub-domains, etc ....
If you are not familiar with ssh, then yes, a cPanel is a must! You can also manage your wordpress website via the wp-admin panel, but server wise you need to control folder/file permissions and be able to quickly edit them. Also, if you accidentally ruin your wordpress by installing a faulty plugin, you need access to the folders to remove that plugin. THCServers.com offers cheap web hosting with cPanel and Softaculous included - from where you can install wordpress with 2 clicks :) no configuration is needed. Best of luck!
A control panel is one stop solution for web hosting. If you are not tech-savvy, the control panel will handle the web hosting operations for you. It allows you to add domains, website, FTP accounts, email accounts, databases and much more from the web interface. You will not need to handle such tasks manually, a control panel will do this for you. Most of the hosting providers offer control panel pre-installed with the server.
Yes, If you want to manage WordPress website by your own then you need a control panel. A control panel help you to manage your web hosting features such as creation of FTP, emails etc... On other hand, if don't want to manage everything by your own, than you can choose a Managed WordPress Hosting than you don't need any control panel.
There's no genuine need for any kind of control panel.... It's a different storey if you manage a hosting company and care about scalability. Having a control panel will almost certainly make activities easier and more efficient to do. yes, for website purpose
WordPress has it's own control panel, however if you have a web hosting package that you can host more than WordPress on it will allow you to create email addresses, subdomains, FTP accounts, install additional applications, etc.
Yes, its better to host your wordpress website with any control panel as it makes your task easy and you can easily download, install and manage Wordpress website.
Yes ! We really need control panel for wordpress site for edit the site pages and many other chenges.
Without a control panel, you will not be able to add content to your site. It's enough?