VPS :: Host your websites without creating name servers

This issue is frequently asked by many web developers ...

"I have a VPS hosted server with Windows Server / Linux Server, it is working and I am able to access it by localhost and modify it's contents. Also I have a domain name, say "abc-domain-name.com". My question is how can I make it accessible on the internet by typing my owned domain name in browser?"

This is mostly done by creating a name servers on your VPS and point your domains to those name servers. You'll have to set a DNS record that points to your server.

If you don't know how to create name servers, the alternative method to host your website is to use free DNS services. Your domain registrar may offer a DNS services themselves. If they do not, and only allow you to set nameservers, have a look at http://dns.he.net (a free DNS hosting service). In the latter case, don't forget to configure the nameservers in your domain registrars panel to the HE DNS servers (ns1.he.net - ns5.he.net)!

The records you will have to add are as follows:


  1. An A record for [url]www.abc-domain-name.com[/url], pointing to your IP
  2. A CNAME record for abc-domain-name.com (often represented in a DNS panel as @), pointing to [url]www.abc-domain-name.com[/url]
  3. Optionally, MX and SPF/TXT records if you wish to use e-mail services on your domain/server (this is a whole separate subject to deal with, especially SPF records can be tricky)
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2 Answers

Proaxxs-peter answered 12 years ago
Proaxxs-peter answered 12 years ago

Another feature of the VPS is the ability to create sandboxes and honeypots. These are methods of testing software updates and features while keeping the main site secure. Your company uses one of its VPS partitions for its main site and another one as a backup.

Motorola4gatrix answered 12 years ago
Motorola4gatrix answered 12 years ago

Hi @jason nice sharing it is very informative post for newbie in vps.

Your Answer

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