Can I access MySQL database remotely?

Can I access MySQL database remotely?

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2 Answers

Matt Willing answered 5 years ago
Matt Willing answered 5 years ago

Absolutely, you can do that. If you're struggling of doing that, I would recommend to read the following guide, where the basic commands and techniques are used and applied. Also, it is necessary to read if you're a beginner at SQL. It is sort of a basic user guide, which you should know 100%. All steps and functions are perfectly described, easy to read and have screenshots with comments.

enter image description here

Anonymous answered 6 years ago
Anonymous answered 6 years ago

Yes, you can surely access MySQL database remotely if the remote MySQL server is configured to accept a remote MySQL connection, where your database is hosted. Below are the configuration settings for the remote connection to MySQL server.
Hostname == MySQL Server IP address
Database name == MySQL database name
Database username == MySQL database username
Database password = Password for MySQL database user
MySQL Connection Port == Server port (default port is 3306)

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