What is the difference between shared hosting and cloud hosting?

What is the difference between shared hosting and cloud hosting?

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8 Answers

Hapih Host answered 6 years ago
Hapih Host answered 6 years ago

The main difference of cloud servers is flexibility and configuration, as they can provide the exact level of control, security, and performance the user is after.
And the Shared hosting servers happen to have a similar degree of flexibility, but instead of focusing on your needs, they will involve you in a shared virtualized environment where many other users are waiting to be served.

Anonymous answered 6 years ago
Anonymous answered 6 years ago

On cloud hosting, you have complete freedom to scale the resources on demand, you don’t require to switch to VPS or dedicated servers whereas, with shared hosting, you have to switch your service once your website is grown to the certain level of popularity.

Not only that,cloud servers are equipped with failover protection to efficiently handle the failure of power or hard drive crashes.Traditional shared servers have no failover protection which results in greater downtime of maintenance.

Manohar Parakh answered 6 years ago
Manohar Parakh answered 6 years ago

Shared hosting is the most popular hosting solution that can suit even the most tight budget. But using a shared hosting solution also means that the user has to share the server resources with other users. If you are hosting your website with in an shared hosting service, this means all applications and data resources being used by your account, is also being shared with many other users on one server. Your website will share the same server resources as all other websites on the server such as CPU, Memory, disk space, bandwidth etc. The servers running shared hosting accounts are almost always fully loaded. If one website overloads the server, all users will suffer from low speed, limited disk space, memory issues, and/or downtime.

On the cloud, however, you will not have to worry about these issues. The cloud hosting environment is a dedicated hosting service that allows you to manage and maintain your website with in a server that is only dedicated to you. So this means that all resources allocated at the time of creation of your server that become available, are for you to use and you alone.

Anonymous answered 4 years ago
Anonymous answered 4 years ago

Shared web hosting is when a website is hosted on the same server as many other websites. Most web hosting companies provide shared hosting. Its cheap and easy to set-up which makes it a good fit for new sites which dont expect a lot of traffic in the short term. Its best suited for personal websites as well as those belonging to small and medium-sized businesses.

Cloud Hosting Cloud hosting is the latest hosting type to hit the market, and its become extremely popular in recent years. This type of hosting operates across many interconnected web servers that supply an affordable, scalable and reliable web infrastructure. Cloud hosting plans typically offer unmetered, reliable bandwidth and an infinite amount of disk space for unlimited domains which explains why so many large businesses are turning to the cloud. Its an effective method of running a website with resource-intensive applications or a large number of content assets such as images, but it can have a much higher cost.

Anju Choudhary answered 4 years ago
Anju Choudhary answered 4 years ago

Shared Hosting: In a shared hosting service, your domains will be hosted on a shared server, which helps you cut down costs on the same due to occupying limited space. You can buy space depending on your business expansion and needs. Moreover, you do not require a dedicated person to monitor your website activities as the shared hosting service provider will take responsibility for handling your domain activities and notify you of critical/complex situations aroused if any.

Cloud hosting: It is the most preferred type of hosting among several webmasters around the world. In this type of hosting, your site hosted on the cloud-computing platform and can access the internet upon an on-demand basis.

PARDEEP KUMAR answered 6 years ago
PARDEEP KUMAR answered 6 years ago

Shared hosting refers to the hosting plan that has multiple websites hosted together and sharing resources on one server (disk space, storage, bandwidth and databases etc).

Most, if not all the web hosting providers offer this hosting plan. Shared hosting requires a dedicated web server provided by the web hosting provider.

**Cloud hosting **is where your website is hosted on a cluster of servers instead of having your site hosted on one server. In case of an issue, your site can be migrated to another server.

Based on the cloud computing technology, it allows numerous machines to work in synchrony as one entity. The success of cloud hosting is guaranteed by the presence of many servers.

Host IT Smart answered 6 years ago
Host IT Smart answered 6 years ago

Shared hosting is the most popular hosting solution that can suit even the tightest budget. But using a shared hosting solution also means that the user has to share the server resources with other users. If you are hosting your website within a shared hosting service, this means all applications and data resources being used by your account, is also being shared with many other users on one server.

The cloud hosting environment is a dedicated hosting service that allows you to manage and maintain your website with a dedicated server. This means that all resources allocated to you at the time of creation of your server will be used by you and you alone.

Web Hosting UK answered 6 years ago
Web Hosting UK answered 6 years ago

Cloud Hosting gives you extra resources should you need them in comparison to Shared Hosting. Cloud Hosting would also be used for sites which have a sudden spike in traffic so the resources are there should you need them.

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