11 Answers
Originally Posted by nonaram
hi friends,
How we can find the age of the domain?
You can find the Age of the Domain by calculating domain creation date to current date.If you want to know the Creation Date of a website visit WhoisXY.com .You can get this details by entering an IP address or Domain Name in Whois Search.
Two factors are considered in the age of a domain name. First, is the length of time that a domain has been registered. Second, is the age of the website in regards to how long that it has been active, or how long that it has had crawlable content on the web.
You can get any domain age detail from Whois dot com. If persone buy privacy then whois will not give you proper detail. But you can get detail from other tools there are many tool available which provide you proper domain age detail.
To check age of domain name i suggest you to use domain age checker tool. It is easily available on the internet that help you to check age of website that very useful to rank a website and also good for increase money.
You can just check the whois info of the a domain look to the field "Created On". You will see the exact date when the domain was created. The you can calculate it's age.
simply you can check all these detail on who's this. It will also show you other's detail to like last updation and so many other things.
If you use fire fox browser then install seoquake you would one option on your browser of whois just click and get info about domain age.
go on whois website and type your domain name you can find the age of such domain
Check in whoissc - you will get to know how old domain is.
You can see the age of any domain name on who.is website.
Yes you can find domain age from who is dot sc