What should I consider while selecting the best dedicated server for my site/project?

What should I consider while selecting the best dedicated server for my site/project?

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1 Answers

Anonymous answered 6 years ago
Anonymous answered 6 years ago

When you are planning to buy a dedicated server, following are few points you should check:

Datacenter: When it comes to selecting the datacenter, Tier3 and Tier4 datacenters are the most redundant and reliable. Apart from the tiers, you should also check the location of the datacenter. If most of your site visitors are in USA, the datacenter in USA will be the most suitable for you.

Hardware: You should ensure that the host provides branded hardware for your server. They are more reliable and have a longer lifespan. This also ensures the better performance for your website/application which you will host in your Dedicated server.

Bandwidth: It refers to data transfer from/to your server. For mission-critical operations and heavily loaded websites/applications, you must need high amount of bandwidth. You should check the last month's bandwidth usage of your site and select the best server that suits your requirement.

Monitoring: While selecting the server, you should also check if the server you are selecting is being monitored by the hosting provider. That will be an added advantage. If there is any issue with your server or if it is down, the monitoring system will alert the support team and the issue can be resolved sooner.

Upgrade Options: As soon as your business grows, there will be a hike in your site traffic and you will need more resources. You should also ensure that the server you are selecting can be scaled up in future as needed.

Security: Security is the most important factor while selecting any service. You should ensure that the server you are selecting has guaranteed safety of your data stored on the server. Your server must be secured from various attacks, viruses and trojans, spammers, and hackers.

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