What is the difference between Dedicated server and VPS?

I would like to make a VPS hosting company, like BODHOST's VPS'es and others. Basically just order a VPS and I can give a virtual machine to you and allocate resources. What server software would do the same on Debian linux?

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26 Answers

Peterhosting answered 9 years ago
Peterhosting answered 9 years ago

Think of a Virtual Private Server as a go-between a virtual hosting/shared account and a dedicated server.

'Virtual' means that it is not real. Basically, it is still a shared hosting account but unlike a normal shared hosting account, each VPS has its own dedicated slice of the CPU, RAM and disk space. So basically, what you do will not affect the other VPS on the machine. You can reboot your VPS anytime you want and you will have root access.

Think of it this way. A Dedicated Server is like owning and living in your own mansion, you can share or use it completely yours, it is up to you.

A Virtual Private Server is like living in an apartment or a hotel room. You have your own doors, walls and private bathroom. You have the privacy of your own room and you more or less can do anything you want. Of course, you will share the infrastructure with the other residence in the apartment building.

A Virtual Hosting/Shared Account is like having a bed in a dormitory. You basically share a bathroom, common area and so on.

Of course, in a virtual hosting account, if you are the only customer on the machine, you can more or less use all the resources there is. If you share, as long as all the customers do not use more than what the server can handle, it does not matter.

A VPS on the other hand has stricted defined slice of the CPU/RAM and Diskspace and most of the time, unless permitted, you cannot go beyond that allocation. The good news is that no matter how crowded the server is, you still have your minimum allocation. The bad news is that if your site requires more than what the VPS slice can handle, you will bare with it even if there are more resources that is unused on the server. Of course some VPS application allow bursting to a reasonable limit but some don't.

Catherinesmith answered 9 years ago
Catherinesmith answered 9 years ago

VPS(Virtual Private Server): The users of VPS have the ability of accessing their own virtual space. In a common server they are allocated a special virtual space.It is advanced than shared hosting and more access to server.

Dedicated Hosting: In dedicated hosting services the user gets full control over it and can access the root/administrator panel. The user is responsible for the security and maintenance of the server. Dedicated servers are very expensive.Best suited for large organizations or business.

When choosing a host one should look for the reliability,reputation,support that the host provides.By looking through the user reviews one can get clear idea about the host because it will contain honest feedback.The host should satisfy the customer's demands without any hidden charges.Providers like help the user to host at affordable rates with their quality service.

24x7servermanagement answered 7 years ago
24x7servermanagement answered 7 years ago

The main difference between the dedicated server and VPS is that, the dedicated server is totally under control of the customer. Customer can reboot when needed, can host the application which he wants.

VPS service provider has the limitation of the hosting the application.

VPS service share the resources of a single computer in most cases, but dedicated servers put all of the resources at the disposal of a single customer. Memory, hard drive storage capacity, processing power, and network access are all 100% dedicated to a single customer instead of shared amongst multiple VPS customers or dozens of shared web hosting customers.

Dedicated servers are almost always more expensive it’s generally a good idea to start with a VPS until you have the good profit in your VPS hosting service.

GC Alves answered 8 years ago
GC Alves answered 8 years ago

Configuration is one aspect where dedicated servers really stand out. Because you’re the only user on the system, you have near total-control over everything and can therefore do pretty much whatever you want with it — right down to changing various parts of its core software and or hardware.
By having full control over the server, you’ll be able to (as long as you have the skills) put together a configuration that’s just right for whatever site you’re running. Most users won’t ever need to — or want to — play around with such settings, but for those who need a very specific configuration in order to run a highly specialized application or other special cases, a dedicated server will likely be the only viable choice.

Manohar Parakh answered 5 years ago
Manohar Parakh answered 5 years ago

A VPS (Virtual Private Server) - also called Virtual Server or Cloud Server is a Virtual Machine Running on Hardware - it gives you shared resources to run your Operating System of choice on it. While the underlying technologies differ by provider (KVM, XEN, VMware etc) - these are shared resources.

A dedicated server is a dedicated physical share that has nothing shared (beside network connectivity) so in most cases it will give you more performance and flexibility.

But also note that a VPS - again depending on your provider - is more secure due to running on multiple physical servers for redundancy while a dedicated server per definition is a single point of failure.

Bruce Kenway answered 9 years ago
Bruce Kenway answered 9 years ago

In a dedicated server you will get full hardware node but in VPS you will get a virtualized machine, a machine that seems to be independent but will have other VPS running on the same hardware node. VPS tries to emulate the environment of a dedicated server through software. End of the day there are still a few users in one particular hardware. Its a good transition from shared hosting, unless you go straight to true cloud.

Dedicated server is basically one user to one hardware. Generally bigger companies would favor this for control and data security, compared to vps.

Both emphasize privacy of data but dedicated offers a more complete version.

Mesas answered 13 years ago
Mesas answered 13 years ago

There are a few disadvantages to a dedicated server hosting.
The first is the hefty monthly charge that you will have to put with in exchange for your freedom and exclusive hosting. And even if you manage this, you will need to have very good technical skills to be able to run the server and solve all the technical problems as they occur. This may prove to be very time consuming sometimes. Another potential disadvantage to dedicated hosting is that you do not have physical access to the server. Another disadvantage to dedicated hosting is the lack of free scripts and other additional features that those on a shared server have access to.

Ewebmaster answered 12 years ago
Ewebmaster answered 12 years ago

VPS Hosting shares one physical server but acts like multiple, separate servers.
VPS hosting advantages:
Complete control
Improved performance
Top-notch security
Greater flexibility
Endlessly scalable

Dedicated Server
It means that you have your own dedicated server which is not shared with anyone else.
The organizations have full control over the servers including choice of operating system, hardware, etc

Miketyson answered 12 years ago
Miketyson answered 12 years ago

VPS tries to emulate the environment of a dedicated server through software. End of the day there are still a few users in one particular hardware. Its a good transition from shared hosting, unless you go straight to true cloud.

Dedicated server is basically one user to one hardware. Generally bigger companies would favor this for control and data security, compared to vps.

Both emphasize privacy of data but dedicated offers a more complete version.

Saurabh Mathur answered 7 years ago
Saurabh Mathur answered 7 years ago

The dedicated server or dedicated hosting server is the type of internet hosting that is not accessible to shared by everyone. The Dedicated server is the most flexible and reliable than any other hosting server.
The VPS Server includes the wide range of services for public, private, and hybrid cloud hosting services. It’s needless to mention that the cloud computing has made the business either small or large very easier at greater extent.

Sandeepjkl answered 9 years ago
Sandeepjkl answered 9 years ago

Virtual Private Server or Cloud Server model suits small or medium businesses that are looking to optimize their IT infrastructure yet don’t want to incur the higher costs of fully dedicated server hosting.
A dedicated server is an ideal solution for the medium or large businesses that have outgrown a VPS server. Dedicated servers provide you the full control or nearly full control over your server for its use.

Svijayan answered 9 years ago
Svijayan answered 9 years ago

VPS is normally suitable for mid sized and small business entities. They usually slice the server to allocate you with disk space, memory, processing power and bandwidth.

In a dedicated server you get the privilege to use the entire server with all the resources like disk space, memory processing power and bandwidth. Dedicated servers can be used by huge business entities.

Tarak Desai answered 8 years ago
Tarak Desai answered 8 years ago


Dedicated servers hosting are often the fastest and most powerful choices available, though some of the high-end VPS options can give the lower performing dedicated servers a run for their money. One of the best attractions of a dedicated server hosting is that it is generally completely under the control of the customer.


John253 answered 8 years ago
John253 answered 8 years ago

Virtual private servers square measure totally different from dedicated servers therein rather than running one hosting account on one computer/server, virtual non-public servers share one server. this might cause one to surprise what the distinction is between a VPS answer and a shared internet host.

Sushant answered 14 years ago
Sushant answered 14 years ago

VPS is great to start out with, but when you have a lot of sites your going have to get another VPS.

Dedicated server on the other hand have more resources, but if something goes wrong everyone is affected. While if a VPS goes down the other VPS most likely will still be up.

Mehulagrawaal answered 10 years ago
Mehulagrawaal answered 10 years ago

VPS is configured on a dedicated server by using hypervisior which makes the VPS act like a virtual machine by using the allocated resources from the dedicated server.

A dedicated server is one which completely uses all its resources for the web application hosted in it.

Jacobwallace answered 3 years ago
Jacobwallace answered 3 years ago

In a nutshell, VPS hosting uses a virtual shared server to host your website with others, whereas dedicated hosting provides you with your own server to operate with. Flexible resource restrictions with the ability to use the resources of other websites on your server.

Kunnu Singh answered 8 years ago
Kunnu Singh answered 8 years ago

VPS is hosted on a Dedicated server so Dedicated server means your resource is dedicated excluding bandwidth but all other resource on dedicated server is fully dedicated for you while VPS resource can be shared or even If not shared then CPU, etc can affect your VPS.

WarnerK answered 4 years ago
WarnerK answered 4 years ago

A dedicated server contrasts sharply with a shared plan (where you have little to no control over your server environment) and a VPS option (where you have some control over your environment, but there are still limitations placed by your web hosting

Techheisenberg answered 8 years ago
Techheisenberg answered 8 years ago

Dedicated servers will have own dedicated resources like RAM and CPU and Disk space, you can have kvm and create VPS under dedicated servers.

in vps hosting your resources will spit but your resource will not be shared with other vps accounts.

JohnDale answered 13 years ago
JohnDale answered 13 years ago

High-quality web hosting services will definitely be useful for your successful web site. So it is always difficult to choose the right one. Many web hosting companies mainly offer virtual shared hosting and dedicated hosting services.

Martha085 answered 8 years ago
Martha085 answered 8 years ago

VPS tries to emulate the environment of a dedicated server through software. End of the day there are still a few users in one particular hardware. Its a good transition from shared hosting, unless you go straight to true cloud.

Cliff2006 answered 8 years ago
Cliff2006 answered 8 years ago

What server software would do the same on Debian linux? This may prove to be very time consuming sometimes. Another potential disadvantage to dedicated hosting is that you do not have physical access to the server.

Vikashony answered 13 years ago
Vikashony answered 13 years ago

Dedicated servers provide you full access and its really good for a big companies. VPS hosting is also provide access but most of this services use by small firms and they allow low rates then dedicated servers

TeamHC answered 13 years ago
TeamHC answered 13 years ago

In a dedicated server you will get full hardware node but in VPS you will get a virtualized machine, a machine that seems to be independent but will have other VPS running on the same hardware node.

Mesas answered 13 years ago
Mesas answered 13 years ago

You pay more for dedicated server, this is first difference. Also you need to be on guard when buying VPS because today you have many companys who overselling their resources.


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