Sata vs SAS vs SSD for high traffic portal website


We are ordering new server and have questions about the disks.

We run high traffic website ( portal ) with over 150k visits per day, heavy website and heavy mysql and php usage. Our goal is with 300k visits per do to run without problem.
We will run on i7 980X with 24GB of ram but we think about the Disk.

My question is it safe to run this server with 2 SSD drives. They give best speed and disk I/O but they life is shorter as i know ( we do not want hardware ( disk ) fail at least 1 year.

Does SAS drives give better speed then sATA and better I/O ?! And if they for how much is it worth do use them ?!

Will this server run fine on sATA drives ?!

Thanks in advanced

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3 Answers

Sanersone answered 13 years ago
Sanersone answered 13 years ago

SAS drives have speed 15K RPM whereas SATA drives have speed of 7200 RPM. So SAS drives are twice faster than SATA. This will help your server to process I/O services faster. So its always recommended to go for SAS drives rather than SATA.

Bruce answered 13 years ago
Bruce answered 13 years ago

SAS drives are comparatively better than SATA drives. SAS drives are performance intensive, better in speed and the increased spindle speed increases the performance in RAID configuration.

ServerSea answered 13 years ago
ServerSea answered 13 years ago

I would suggest to go for SAS 15k. According my own experience in heavy sites, those disks are great.

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