How Many Accounts can a Dedicated Server Host?

Just curious, averagely how many account can a dedicated server ususally host? Is there a limited number of accounts you can host on a dedicated server.Can anyone please tell me?
Thanks in advance.

web hostingServer ConfigurationOversellingDedicated Servers
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9 Answers

WarnerK answered 4 years ago
WarnerK answered 4 years ago

Yes, You can host multiple website inside a single server. On a dedicated server, The number of websites is not limited.

All you have to make sure is that your website(s) keep their resource usage well within the CPU/RAM/HDD limits of your server.

You can use Commercial panels like cPanel/Parallels to do that easily, Or free open-source panels like ISPconfig, to achieve this. If you are a technical person, You can simply install Apache/Nginx and make vHosts to host multiple websites.

Mac Wilson answered 12 years ago
Mac Wilson answered 12 years ago

Indeed, depends on the web hosting providers as well. Approximately, if they are medium sized websites you can host up to hundred of websites on a single dedicated server. If all the websites are resources intensive you will have to host minimum websites on a server depending on the specification of the server in order to offer high performance to all those hosted websites on the server.

Bruce answered 12 years ago
Bruce answered 12 years ago

You can host multiple accounts on a dedicated server. Determining the exact number of account is not possible as it will depend on the size of the each account that is created. A dedicated server offers huge resources so the accounts created are many.

Sanersone answered 12 years ago
Sanersone answered 12 years ago

There is no such limit. It depends upon the specifications of the Dedicated server and the resources allocated to each package created on it. Content of the website hosted, traffic on the website are also the points to be considered here.

Ezbnc answered 12 years ago
Ezbnc answered 12 years ago

The bigger the sites the more visitors the less hosting accounts you can have. If all your sites are low traffic and static then you can host a lot. So as you can see there really are to many varibles in saying x amount you can host.

Ravneet Kaur answered 12 years ago
Ravneet Kaur answered 12 years ago

Great question. If you want to provide good service to you client then you can not overselling on your server. All things depend on your server configuration as well resources.

Motorola4gatrix answered 12 years ago
Motorola4gatrix answered 12 years ago

There is no limit to the number of accounts you can host on a dedicated server. It depends entirely on how heavy and resource-consuming those accounts are.

Iyanwell answered 12 years ago
Iyanwell answered 12 years ago

There is no limit for hosting of websites in a dedicated server.It totally depends on the which hosting package is you purchased

SolidShellSecurity answered 12 years ago
SolidShellSecurity answered 12 years ago

Depends on how active site is and resources they use. Some will oversell and pack way too many sites on to a server.

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