How long to restore 240GB Backup?

I am trying to setup RAID 0 for 2 x 120GB Intel SSD 320 drives and just want to know how long i can restore backups of 240GB incase of data failure or data loss.

The backup server will be on 100Mbps port from same web provider.
Also will be using rsync backup or R1Soft CDP backup software.
Backups will be performed like daily or maybe every 12 hours.

I really want the RAID 0 for the SSD drives and don't mind going offline for few hours.

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1 Answers

Motorola4gatrix answered 12 years ago
Motorola4gatrix answered 12 years ago

As you seem to be buying this from OVH, you need to allow for YOU having to run the disk tests to provide to OVH to prove that 1 or both drives has failed. Then you wait for them to agree and schedule the disk(s) to be replaced. Then you have to reload OS, backup software etc. Then you start the transfer which won't run at 100Mbps.

Realisticly? If you're lucky 1 to 2 days - If you're not, maybe a week.

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