Dedicated server for hosting videos, what to choose ?

I have a website that gets like 50k hits on the posts. The posts are mainly video posts.
Currently I am hosting the videos on youtube, veoh and myspace.
I need to host my own videos on a separate dedicated server. I will put the videos on a server and embed them on the jwplayer on my current site.

I need to know what to look for on the new dedicated server. How much RAM ? Uplink 100Mbit or 1Gbit ? how much traffic and where would be the best host ?

I was thinking about unmanaged servers, is it good and what about your ideas ?

Thank you for reading

Dedicated servervps hostingUptimeVideo Hosting
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6 Answers

Maxroger answered 12 years ago
Maxroger answered 12 years ago


Originally Posted by conjuand

I have a website that gets like 50k hits on the posts. The posts are mainly video posts.
Currently I am hosting the videos on youtube, veoh and myspace.
I need to host my own videos on a separate dedicated server. I will put the videos on a server and embed them on the jwplayer on my current site.

I need to know what to look for on the new dedicated server. How much RAM ? Uplink 100Mbit or 1Gbit ? how much traffic and where would be the best host ?

I was thinking about unmanaged servers, is it good and what about your ideas ?

Thank you for reading

I also have hosted a video web site and i am also putting youtube video. But i don't get any issue you can use the serversteals they are giving some good benefits you better check this if you like.
If my traffic would be increased i dont have any issue because there systems are good and supported.

Stevedanial answered 12 years ago
Stevedanial answered 12 years ago


Originally Posted by conjuand

I have a website that gets like 50k hits on the posts. The posts are mainly video posts.
Currently I am hosting the videos on youtube, veoh and myspace.
I need to host my own videos on a separate dedicated server. I will put the videos on a server and embed them on the jwplayer on my current site.

I need to know what to look for on the new dedicated server. How much RAM ? Uplink 100Mbit or 1Gbit ? how much traffic and where would be the best host ?

I was thinking about unmanaged servers, is it good and what about your ideas ?

Thank you for reading

I have a web site like live TV steam and i am using more them 300 channels live stream and i don't any issue from them. I am using the services of ServerSteals. I don't have any issue i am happen with them.:(

Stevedanial answered 12 years ago
Stevedanial answered 12 years ago


Originally Posted by maxroger

I also have hosted a video web site and i am also putting youtube video. But i don't get any issue you can use the serversteals they are giving some good benefits you better check this if you like.
If my traffic would be increased i dont have any issue because there systems are good and supported.


your right about the hosting company. i am also using the services of that company from the last 3 years and i dont get any issue from them.

thanks to them.

Sanersone answered 13 years ago
Sanersone answered 13 years ago

Not too sure if 50k hits are for a month or a day. If those are Monthly hits then a Quad Core server with 4-8 GB RAM will be fine for handling the load. If that's the daily traffic, then a Hexa core or Dual Hexa Core server with 32-64 GB RAM will be the solution. 100 MBPS speed will be fine for the website. I won't recommend a Unmanaged Host. Its always recommended to look for a Managed Hosting provider who is available 24X7 to assist you in your Technical issues.

Getmused answered 12 years ago
Getmused answered 12 years ago

You also consider whether to choose managed or unmanaged dedicated server. I recommend you visit seekdotnet dotcom to find out if their services meet your requirements.

KHOKON MOLLA answered 11 years ago
KHOKON MOLLA answered 11 years ago

You Must need 16 GB RAM With 8 core XEON With 1GBPS Port.Otherwise its risky for you.But you can start with XEON 4 core with 8 Gb RAM With 1GBPS Port.

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