Dedicated box split into VPS how?

hi there me and a couple of mates are paying for a dedicated server

and we want to use it for torrents is there away that we can split it into say 4 vps so we can have our own little like torrent seebox

and have a seprate loging for each box ?

sorry if this is posted in the wrong place

Dedicated serverwindows vps
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5 Answers

Mesas answered 13 years ago
Mesas answered 13 years ago

All depends on the box its self, Do you have a os on it? what is it windows? linux? other? If its windows then there are few options,

Microsoft Virtual Machine
And a few others i cant think of the top of my head.

Linux os as listed above xen is a good one

also you have VMWare ESX / EXSi

If your needing some help i can help you no problems but only if its windows because im not to technical with linux.

Also it depends on how technical minded you are or if you are able to read manual after manual if you dont know how to do something. This i guess is the key becuase if you got time + research then you will get it working for you with ease.

Bruce answered 13 years ago
Bruce answered 13 years ago

By using vuirtualization, splitting a dedciated server into VPS is possible. VMware Virtualization allows splitting of a dedicated server into Linux or Windows VPS, whereas there is Hyper-V virtualization platform developed by Microsoft, which allows creation of Winodws VPS on a dedicated server. The only condition here is, the OS requirement and the processor should support virtualization for any of these solutions to work.

Sanersone answered 13 years ago
Sanersone answered 13 years ago

You can install a virtualization application on the Dedicated server and create multiple virtual servers on it. Virtualization application may differ as Software Virtualization or Hardware Virtualization. Software Virtualization application is Virtuozzo and Hardware Virtualization can be Hyper-V or MW-Ware.

ServerSea answered 13 years ago
ServerSea answered 13 years ago

The two main players are OpenVZ and Xen. OpenVZ would work fine for what you'd like to.

HostingSRV answered 13 years ago
HostingSRV answered 13 years ago

All depends on the box its self, Do you have a os on it? what is it windows? linux? other?

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