data security

I would like to keep on the VPS my personal information, not only as the backup, but just store data on the VPS .I am interested in whether the information will be adequately protected, not only from the side intrusion, but also from the approach of the hosting company, where I rented vps, .. thank in advance.

VPSFirewallvps hostingData Security
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4 Answers

Motorola4gatrix answered 11 years ago
Motorola4gatrix answered 11 years ago

The below list contains some of the most basic stpes a webmaster san take to keep his VPS hosting option safe:
-using a good password
-keeping the VPS hosting account up to date
-altering the default ports
-stop all unnecessary apps
-updating the sripts ona a regular basis,

you can finde mor info on, ....reade me!

Tnhjosh answered 11 years ago
Tnhjosh answered 11 years ago

You can secure the server using firewall and other applications available. If you want server to be used just for data storage I would suggest shutting off unwanted services which are not useful to you.

Barbara answered 11 years ago
Barbara answered 11 years ago

You can buy dedicated server besacuse you have more space and everything is under your control. I think that is the best way.

HostAddon Ltd answered 11 years ago
HostAddon Ltd answered 11 years ago

They are pretty secure but dedicated will be better as you will have more control and you can set restrictions as you like.

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