Best Linux Distro For Game Server Box?

I've been told by many that CentOS is the best Linux distro to use for hosting but i was also told that Debian is better.

Which should i use? I want one that uses less resources for the OS (so my game servers can get the best performance), but also be easy to manage, update, etc.

The box it will be installed on will likely be 2x Xeon Quad cores with 16GB of ram

operating systemGame Server Box
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3 Answers

Mamatha answered 13 years ago
Mamatha answered 13 years ago

Thanks for this interesting point,I know two best linux distro for gameing that is gentoo and puppy linux 5.2.5 it is extremely good at scaling, and makes a good choice for older hardware.

Bruce answered 13 years ago
Bruce answered 13 years ago

IMO CentOS is a better option to go with. Its RHEL based operating system, easy to operate, many repositories available, many applications are available for CentOS free of cost.

Sanersone answered 13 years ago
Sanersone answered 13 years ago

Cent OS is the most popular Linux distro which is a stable one and is used my many clients/users. So I would recommend you to opt for Cent OS rather than Debian.

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