Bandwidth Monitoring Tools / Apps

Is there some type of program or something I can put on my server that will monitor my bandwidth and if it raises above a predetermined level it will email me or let me know somehow?

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3 Answers

Sanersone answered 12 years ago
Sanersone answered 12 years ago

I think the Hosting provider takes care of that aspect. He monitors your server 24X7 and sends you a notification email if your bandwidth usage is up to 80-90% mark, so you get enough time to look for alternatives like purchase more bandwidth or upgrade onto higher plan.

You can contact your Hosting provider and ask him if provides this service or not.

Mesas answered 12 years ago
Mesas answered 12 years ago

You can also ask your server provider to provide you bandwidth detailed logs/graph every 7 days as every data center having its own bandwidth monitoring tool to monitor the server bandwidth, you can't assume that external monitoring tool will hep you to monitor the server bandwidth as they are not 100% accurate..

Bruce answered 12 years ago
Bruce answered 12 years ago

Generally, once you consume a specific amount of the alloted bandwidth the hosting provider notifies you via email, so that if you require more bandwidth you can upgrade the required resource.

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