Should I choose Linux hosting or Windows hosting?

Should I choose Linux hosting or Windows hosting?

Windows HostingLinux Hosting
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4 Answers

Sanersone answered 9 years ago
Sanersone answered 9 years ago

For a simple static website, it really does not matters which platform you choose to host your website on, however I recommend Linux. With Linux there is a lot more Open Source software (free to use) available, with Linux, you can add more features to your website in the future.

Trueman1 answered 9 years ago
Trueman1 answered 9 years ago

I will choice linux all the way,
it's faster and have lot's of software and options for free.

windows license is expansive, windows need many many hardware resources and have lots of software limitation and software cost a lots.

MilesGeek_Neha answered 9 years ago
MilesGeek_Neha answered 9 years ago

Selecting between Linux or Windows hosting also depends on the applications that you are going to use on the website. For instance, if you would like to use ASP.NET, then you will have to opt for a Windows hosting package.

Chris_b answered 9 years ago
Chris_b answered 9 years ago

both options have merits and de merits. it is also depended upon the applications you are using on your website although linux gives you open source and it would be helpful for future.

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