What is the Best Managed VPS company?

What is the best managed VPS company?
Have you got such a quality and reliable company at low prices?
It is important for me to get to know about your first-hand experience.
Thank you beforehand. You thoughts are very important for me.

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7 Answers

Tom Ryan answered 3 years ago
Tom Ryan answered 3 years ago

Managed VPS hosting is a very popular choice for many website owners since its protection and free SSL certificate give your site guaranteed security. Managed VPS Hosting is a managed service where you need not worry about anything related to server management. In Managed VPS Hosting, your service provider takes care of server maintenance like updating the core, software installation, backup, security, and more. Thus, as a business owner, you need not worry about server management and invest your time and concentration on further growing your business. Managed VPS Hosting can be chosen by any business owner, irrespective of whether you have any technical experience or not, as it eases your work. Managed VPS provides an extensive range of Operating systems that have enhanced performance and reliability. Managed VPS Hosting for lightning-fast speed. 10GB Hostings VPS hosting solution includes High-speed SSD, 99.9% uptime & 24/7 managed live support.

Medivst answered 4 years ago
Medivst answered 4 years ago

Most companies that offer VPS servers, sell them as unmanaged servers.
Companies focus on providing the customer with a nice solution that is not so expensive, giving support to its customers may not make sense if the customer wants managed support.

If you want managed support, most likely you will need to pay extra for that.
Good luck.

WarnerK answered 4 years ago
WarnerK answered 4 years ago

InMotion – Best overall VPS hosting provider.
A2 Hosting – Best value for money.
Bluehost – Best features.
iPage – Best for customer service.
HostGator – Best for reliability.
HostPapa – Best RAM and storage space.
GoDaddy – Best for extra features.
DreamHost – Best bandwidth.

Tophostcoupon answered 4 years ago
Tophostcoupon answered 4 years ago

I'm using Linode and OVH. You can choose Site5, BlueHost, GoDaddy, GreenGeeks, SIteGround ...

These are all high quality and prestigious service providers in the world. However, you should learn how to self-manage and use in cloud service providers like Linode, Vultr, Ovh, Ramnode.

David Smith answered 4 years ago
David Smith answered 4 years ago

I'd recommend bodHOST for best managed VPS services.

  • Highly Reliable servers
  • 99.99% Uptime
  • 24x7Tech Support
  • SSD Storage
  • Security optimized

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Cheanasr answered 4 years ago
Cheanasr answered 4 years ago

Just make sure, whoever you pick, to do your homework. Web hosting is kinda like going on a job interview.. "its all about being at the right place at the right time." just because 50 other people may have bad experiences, doesn't mean you will.

EmmaCraig answered 4 years ago
EmmaCraig answered 4 years ago

Its depends on your website requirement. Mostly Companies provide both managed and unmanaged sever but if you demands for especially VPS Server Hositng then your provider provide you according to your website requirement.

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