VPS hosting in India?

Greetings folks! I am now looking for quality vps provider in India along with these requirements:
1 GB of RAM, 20 GBs of Disk space, 2TBs of bandwidth.
Any recommendations?
Also I've noticed webwerks.in VPS hosting. How skillful is their customer support?

vps hosting
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5 Answers

Exmasters-Mark answered 7 years ago
Exmasters-Mark answered 7 years ago

What level of customer/ technical support do they offer? Online only? Phone? Email? Etc.?

You no longer need a programming guru to set up your site. You no longer need to be a computer guru to get a web site posted. Web hosting service has vastly improved since the beginning days of the internet.

Huesolution2008 answered 7 years ago
Huesolution2008 answered 7 years ago

Cloudie Web is best for VPS hosting in India. It is trusted company, many big brands are hosted with Cloudie Web . they provide VPS for windows and linux are very best price. If you are looking for stable VPS with multiple configuration then I would suggest you go with Cloudie Web.

Saurabh Mathur answered 7 years ago
Saurabh Mathur answered 7 years ago

You can try up the hosting services of webwerks.in also;but as I am not familiar with it much more. I am personally using the services of microhost company and found them really very good and helpful.So I would recommend you if you want to, then , you can try their services too.

24x7cloudservermanagement answered 7 years ago
24x7cloudservermanagement answered 7 years ago

well , good to know that you found a nice indian provider .. however if you have to purchased the VPS yet you can give a try another VPS provider that is stradsolutions .. they are based in mumbai and has nice support as well as pricing .

Mehulagrawaal answered 10 years ago
Mehulagrawaal answered 10 years ago

You haven't mentioned your OS and processor requirements, please provide these information then we can suggested a best option of the market.

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