Greetings folks! I am now looking for quality vps provider in India along with these requirements:
1 GB of RAM, 20 GBs of Disk space, 2TBs of bandwidth.
Any recommendations?
Also I've noticed VPS hosting. How skillful is their customer support?
5 Answers
What level of customer/ technical support do they offer? Online only? Phone? Email? Etc.?
You no longer need a programming guru to set up your site. You no longer need to be a computer guru to get a web site posted. Web hosting service has vastly improved since the beginning days of the internet.
Cloudie Web is best for VPS hosting in India. It is trusted company, many big brands are hosted with Cloudie Web . they provide VPS for windows and linux are very best price. If you are looking for stable VPS with multiple configuration then I would suggest you go with Cloudie Web.
You can try up the hosting services of also;but as I am not familiar with it much more. I am personally using the services of microhost company and found them really very good and helpful.So I would recommend you if you want to, then , you can try their services too.
well , good to know that you found a nice indian provider .. however if you have to purchased the VPS yet you can give a try another VPS provider that is stradsolutions .. they are based in mumbai and has nice support as well as pricing .
You haven't mentioned your OS and processor requirements, please provide these information then we can suggested a best option of the market.