Hosting Options for Video

Just curious if any of you know of good ways to handle the bandwidth costs associated with hosting high traffic video sites.

For a future project I plan a dedicated server, but was hoping there might be a cheap way to avoid bandwidth costs - such as Amazon S3 (however from my calculations this is an expensive option).

Any other ideas?

hostingDedicated serverBandwidthVideo Streaming
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2 Answers

Sanersone answered 13 years ago
Sanersone answered 13 years ago

One way to save bandwidth incase of Video websites is to embade the videos. .You can just put a link of that video on your website and when a user clicks on it, he gets re-directed to the main website whose link you have added to watch the video. So this saves a good amount of bandwidth which would have been used for video streaming.

Mesas answered 13 years ago
Mesas answered 13 years ago

Actually Amazon is not cheap, and CDNs are even more expensive. CDN s - $2 per GB, Amazon (I believe) $0.10. You definitely can get (may not be much more) cheaper and reliable soultuon. Plus CDN will charge you for storing the data files. Just look in the "offer" sections for comanies focused on streaming.

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