Cheap Vs Quality Hosting

I would like to know what do people prefer, cheap web hosting or quality hosting with reasonable price. I am not considering business kids

hostingweb hostingCheap web hostingwebsiteVPSBandwidth
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9 Answers

Kaaran answered 11 years ago
Kaaran answered 11 years ago

We should never compromise in quality. Cheap hosting is not good. So everybody should focus on quality Hosting.As there is a number of web hosting firms available in the market, you do not just want to hire the services of the ones that are reputed, but even the ones that are cheap and affordable. Cheap web hosting services ensure that you get quality hosting but at reasonable price tag. So, if you are one of those looking forward to get affordable hosting facilities and services.

Samdonna answered 11 years ago
Samdonna answered 11 years ago


Originally Posted by mesas

I would like to know what do people prefer, cheap web hosting or quality hosting with reasonable price. I am not considering business kids

There is no such a thing cheap and cheerful. If you want something better you have to pay more. :)

Jennifer1 answered 11 years ago
Jennifer1 answered 11 years ago

Quality web hosting solutions are preferred by every organization who needs a hosting solution for its business growth.But choosing the right quality hosting service is a difficult one,but which is better rather than choosing cheap web hosting service which may create a bad result to the organization status.

Enetcloud answered 13 years ago
Enetcloud answered 13 years ago

It all depends on the requirements and services. If you have got a simple blog or a simple static websites then a cheap VPS would be good , If you have some thing dynamic and with increasing demands then a quality VPS will be good.
However some people still look for quality instead of chasing low pricing.

Don19 answered 12 years ago
Don19 answered 12 years ago

Quality is always better , but quality hosting for a "reasonable" price is what i look for .

Cheap is fine for sites that havent got much traffic or do not use much bandwidth but if you have a site with alot of traffic you have to go with quality

Miketyson answered 12 years ago
Miketyson answered 12 years ago

Hi keith i don't think so that down time is a factor for low pricing there also some companies out there who are offering the best quality services in an affordable prices or even cheap prices.

Mac Wilson answered 11 years ago
Mac Wilson answered 11 years ago

cheap hosting is only right for small website like social bookmarking but when question is come about any eCommerce website then could not be possible to compromise with quality.

Markhenry answered 11 years ago
Markhenry answered 11 years ago

Quality hosting is best considering Cheap hosting.
The price won't differ a lot and just have a check over the Requirements specified in it..

Ewebmaster answered 12 years ago
Ewebmaster answered 12 years ago

I would like to go for quality service in a reasonable price as cheap or free webhosting is not reliable.

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