Backup Servers


Thinking of getting a backup server for my hosting website as I have been experiencing a couple of downtime spells recently. What is the best and easiest way to go about setting up a back up server? And when there is downtime, what is the easiest way to activate it on my domain - changing A records?

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2 Answers

Nakul Mahajan answered 12 years ago
Nakul Mahajan answered 12 years ago

Instead of getting a backup server, go for remote FTP backup, it will save cost, if your sites are being affected regularly you can chance providers or upgrade to a server of your own.

Motorola4gatrix answered 12 years ago
Motorola4gatrix answered 12 years ago

Without a hardware solution (costly for a single website) you are basically limited to service monitoring with an A record update on failure as you suggest.

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