Is it possible to migrate a website from Plesk to Plesk?

Is it possible to migrate a website from Plesk to Plesk?

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3 Answers

Yes, you can. Plesk is the most popular control panels available for VPS and Dedicated server. Plesk too has an easy-to-use predictive interface but it takes time to get used to it as it’s not as familiar as of cPanel.

More Read to go - How is Plesk managed?

ScopeHosts answered 5 years ago
ScopeHosts answered 5 years ago

Plesk Migration is possible with one click as Plesk has a easy to use Migration feature. The only condition is you should have root access to Plesk interface.

Anonymous answered 6 years ago
Anonymous answered 6 years ago

Yes, Plesk provides migration tools and you can migrate your current website from one server to another using Plesk migration tool.

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