Website data has been deleted?

I missed my renewal date for my website hosting package by about 6 months and when i realised i contacted the hosting company to renew and they told me they had deleted my website data and if i wanted to renew i would need to send them my website data again. Is this normal practise? thanks

Deletion Policy
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4 Answers

Mwaraitch answered 12 years ago
Mwaraitch answered 12 years ago


Originally Posted by ServerSea

After 25 days of expiry all data will be deleted and the domain will put into redemption period. You should renew it before that time period.

I agree with serversea, and in the redemption period you have to pay around above 60$ to renew the domain name. So one must register before this period.

Mwaraitch answered 12 years ago
Mwaraitch answered 12 years ago

Yes , the account is deleted after few days or months. It depends on hosting company , they sent warning messages before deleting account, and also renewal emails are sent so the customer do not lose his data.

ServerSea answered 12 years ago
ServerSea answered 12 years ago

After 25 days of expiry all data will be deleted and the domain will put into redemption period. You should renew it before that time period.

Pureweb answered 12 years ago
Pureweb answered 12 years ago

yes it is true, when domain expire, the website data is automatically deleted, some companies send the message before,

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