Does Change of Registrar affects Domain Age?

If I transfer my domain to another registrar will it reset the domain age? What is the SEO imapact of changing the registrar of the domain?

Please advise.

seoDomain Registrar
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9 Answers

Mehulagrawaal answered 10 years ago
Mehulagrawaal answered 10 years ago

almost everyone has to change the registrar at a certain there must not be any criteria of affecting the domain name even from seo point of view one can change registrar without any hesitation.

Sofiabrooks answered 10 years ago
Sofiabrooks answered 10 years ago

If you are change your domain registrar, then there is absolutely no chance of losing a domain age. Everyone has to change their registrar at certain point, so their is no issue in changing the registrar

Joye Root answered 11 years ago
Joye Root answered 11 years ago

Switching registrars is a sure shot way to loose your PR. It is recommended that you stick with the existing registrar. I have seen it happen to my sites

Alexapamten answered 10 years ago
Alexapamten answered 10 years ago

If you change your domain registrar, there is no chance to lose domain age or anything else. Don’t worry; you can change your domain registrar.

Jordankrish answered 9 years ago
Jordankrish answered 9 years ago

I have changed my domain registrar once but it didn’t affect my domain age or SEO of my site. From where did you hear this?

Vickavers answered 10 years ago
Vickavers answered 10 years ago

I switched my domain registrars several times. It doesn't affet neither domain age nor something else as far as i can see.

Calvin Christopher answered 11 years ago
Calvin Christopher answered 11 years ago

I don't think so, changing a registrar will not effect the domain age unless and until you are registering a new domain.

Pacthost answered 10 years ago
Pacthost answered 10 years ago

no, if you change your domain registrar, it's not made any affect upon domain age

Jordankrish answered 9 years ago
Jordankrish answered 9 years ago

No, it does not affect the domain age. Also don't have any SEO issue.

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