Can clients of WHM resellers use SSL on their accounts

I have a WHM/cPanel reseller package on a shared server and by billing has secure connection using my own purchased SSL cert (for domain only).

My host informs me it is not possible for my clients to use their own SSL, is this a restriction of my host or is it the norm?

I can sell them (as a SSL reseller) and see the option to install from my WHM reseller panel.

Dedicated IPreseller hostingSSL Certificate
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1 Answers

Sanersone answered 12 years ago
Sanersone answered 12 years ago

Your clients under your Reseller plan can have their individual SSL's on their respective domains. They just need to purchase a additional IP address so that the SSL can be installed on it. You can purchase the SSL for them from the Hosting provider and ask them to install it on their domains.

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