Control Panel for Dedicated Server (Windows): yes or no?


We are getting a new dedicated server (windows) and I would like to get your opinion on whether we should get a control panel (plesk) for the server.

We currently have a couple of dedicated servers (also windows) and neither has a control panel. All the servers (current and new) are and will be used for running our own websites. We access the servers through remote desktop. I have basic system admin knowledge. For any advanced work, I delegate it to my developers. So far we have not had the need for a control panel.

But I hear control panel makes managing server easier and it may allow me to do a few advanced tasks that I have been asking my developers to do up to now. This is why I am considering. On the other hand, I hear control panel adds to the overhead (cpu and memory) of the server and it slows down the server. Also, control panel has its own software problem and it comes with additional monthly cost.

Is it worthwhile to have a control panel on my new dedicated windows server in our case? What do you think?

control panelDedicated server
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3 Answers

Sanersone answered 13 years ago
Sanersone answered 13 years ago

Control panel is always recommended to manage your hosting account easily. It allows you to create and manage databases and domain, monitor your space and bandwidth usage, check websites traffic. A newbie who doesn’t have much technical knowledge and can't manage server via RDP, has a easy way to manage it via control panel.

Bruce answered 13 years ago
Bruce answered 13 years ago

Basically, a control panel allows you to manage your server very well. It will allow you to manage Email accounts, FTP accounts, Domains, Subdomains, Databases etc.
A control panel offers you a GUI (graphical user interface) which makes the management easy for the user.

ServerSea answered 13 years ago
ServerSea answered 13 years ago

I would suggest getting Enkompass cpanels windows control panel. It was just recently released for free today so might be worth looking into.

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