Can I install my own Operating System?

Can I install my own Operating System?

operating system
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4 Answers

1ONLINEHOST answered 5 years ago
1ONLINEHOST answered 5 years ago

When purchasing dedicated servers, web hosting providers generally allow you to choose an operating system when placing your order for the server, usually on the sign up page after making a selection.

These operating systems are usually Linux, Linux Based or Windows operating systems.

Choosing the correct operating system is important as compatibility with software you intend to use on your server is key and also consider inquiry about whether you will get full root access to your server if you choose to go with Linux Operating System.

If you choose to go with a Linux Dedicated Server Hosting Provider (which 1onlinehost is), you will be able to choose amongst a number of operating systems such as **Debian, CentOS, Ubuntu **and more to that be able to choose a Control Panel such as DirectAdmin which is offered free if you do not intend on doing any technical work with your server.

Jacobwallace answered 3 years ago
Jacobwallace answered 3 years ago

Yes you can ,To use a CD or DVD to install the computer's operating system, set your computer to boot from the CD/DVD drive. In your BIOS settings, you may modify the boot sequence and make the CD/DVD drive the initial boot device.

Exabytes Com Hosting answered 5 years ago
Exabytes Com Hosting answered 5 years ago

What type of OS are you planning to install? Most of the server providers will have Windows and Linux pre-installed, which are good enough to perform the task needed.

Yes, you can install your own OS. Linux/Unix distributions Databases Control panels Windows operating systems

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