I need hosting for speed up streaming video site which plan is best for me?

I need to hosting for speed up streaming video site. which hosting plan is best for me?

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2 Answers

ScopeHosts answered 5 years ago
ScopeHosts answered 5 years ago

You can check Scopehosts' Streaming Server. Also, let me know what are your requirement.

    1. Do you have any Specific Location requirements?
    1. Which Platform or Operating System you Prefer, Linux OR Windows Or Both?
    1. Do you have any other specific Server Configuration requirements? Kindly mention is yes,
    1. What website will you be hosting on this VPS?
K. Devlin answered 5 years ago
K. Devlin answered 5 years ago

I advise you to take options with a free trial period and check it yourself. You need a hosting with unlimited traffic.

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