Our Web Host Rating System Explained

Our Rating System guides web hosting seekers to find the most suitable and affordable hosting services from 4000+ web hosting providers registered at TheWebHostingDir.com. It is designed in a way that the users can directly submit their reviews on overall performance of the web hosting provider. Based on these reviews, web hosting companies are ranked on our directory. Furthermore, these feedbacks are publicly available for those who are searching for web hosting services or planning to switch to a new web hosting provider.

We are different.  Web Hosting Companies on TheWebHostingDir are strictly ranked on their customer ratings.  No host can buy an advantage in the TheWebHostingdir listings, and you will notice there are no flashing banners and host promotions, only unbiased information to help you find the right web host. Checkout our Hosting Assured Program.

From each submitted review, we derive following 2 ratings of a web host.

  1. Overall Rating.
  2. Product/Service Rating.

Overall Rating

Overall Rating is calculated on the basis of total number of ratings received in all web hosting categories. We only allow existing or ex-customers to submit the review of any web host listed on TheWebHostingDir.com. To calculate an Overall Rating of a web hosting company, we consider following 7 criteria.

  • Reliability of a Web Hosting Company
  • Server Speed Evaluation
  • Value of your Money
  • Technical Support of a Web Hosting Company
  • Control Panel Evaluation
  • Do you recommend your web hosting company to others?
  • How long have you been with your web hosting company?


How do we calculate an overall rating?

  1. When any user heads to submit a review of any web hosting company, he/she will be asked to sign-in as an anonymous user or a registered TheWebHostingDir.com user.
  2. On the step #2, user will be asked to give their feedback on criteria listed above. For instance, a web hosting company called example.com receives below ratings.

  1. Reliability of a Hosting Company ⇒ 5 Stars
  2. Server Speed Evaluation ⇒ 5 Stars
  3. Value of your Money ⇒ 5 Stars
  4. Technical Support of a Hosting Company ⇒ 5 Stars
  5. Control Panel Evaluation ⇒ 5 Stars
  6. Do you recommend your web hosting company to others? ⇒ Yes = 5 Stars
  7. How long have you been with your web hosting company? ⇒ 9 years (No. of years (9)/2) = 4.5 Stars

So, Total Rating ⇒ 34.5 Stars
Average is (Total Rating/7 factors) ⇒ 4.92 Stars
So, Host Rating comes to ⇒  4.92
Host Rating (%) = (4.92 * 100/5 ) ⇒ 98.4 %

So far, we have obtained the Host Rating value of a web hosting company example.com. We could have considered the Host Rating value itself (98.4 %) as a final OverAll Rating, but there are chances that new web host with fewer positive ratings may outrank an established web host with a good number of mixed reviews.

To eliminate such possibilities, we have prepared table of Relevancy Levels attached to respective Multiplication Factors. Based on the number of reviews that a host receive, our website automatically categorizes it into 1 of 13 relevancy levels. Each of this level represents one multiplication factor, and final Overall Rating is calculated by multiplying Host Rating with a respective Multiplication Factor.

For instance, web host example.com receives total 55 ratings (total number of reviews received in all hosting categories). As per the table shown below, web host example.com will fall into 7th Relavancy Level. Hence, its Host Rating value (98.4 ) will be multiplied by

multiplication factor (0.93). So, OverAll Rating for a web host example.com is 91.51.


  1. If number of ratings = 0,  Multiplication Factor is 0.
  2. If number of ratings ≤ 10,  Multiplication Factor is 0.80;.
  3. If number of ratings ≤ 20,  Multiplication Factor is 0.85;.
  4. If number of ratings ≤ 30,  Multiplication Factor is 0.90;.
  5. If number of ratings ≤ 40,  Multiplication Factor is 0.91;.
  6. If number of ratings ≤ 50,  Multiplication Factor is 0.92;.
  7. If number of ratings ≤ 60,  Multiplication Factor is 0.93;
  8. If number of ratings ≤ 70,  Multiplication Factor is 0.94;
  9. If number of ratings ≤ 80,  Multiplication Factor is 0.95;
  10. If number of ratings ≤ 90,  Multiplication Factor is 0.96;
  11. If number of ratings ≤ 100,  Multiplication Factor is 0.97;
  12. If number of ratings ≤ 200,  Multiplication Factor is 0.98;
  13. If number of ratings ≤ 500,  Multiplication Factor is 0.99;



This mechanism will ensure that, web hosting companies with a higher review count will have more weightage, and hence they will be given higher priority in the final directory listing. So far, we have derived OverAll Rating of a web hosting company example.com.

  1. Going forward on the step #3, user can select specific web hosting category and submit the review.


Product/Service Rating

Product/Service Rating is calculated in similar way as OverAll Rating. The only difference is, an OverAll Rating is calculated on the basis of total number of reviews received in ALL web hosting categories. Whereas to calculate the Product/Service Rating total number of ratings received in specific web hosting category is considered.

For instance, web hosting company example.com received total 55 reviews in all web hosting categories as shown in previous example. Among these 55 reviews, 27 reviews are for WordPress Hosting,  so Product/Service Rating for category WordPress Hosting is

calculated on the basis of these 27 reviews only.

Suppose, web hosting company example.com receives 92.85 Host Rating in WordPress Hosting category as calculated in Step #2. As per the table, web hosting company, example.com will fall into 4th Relevancy Level. Hence, Host Rating received in a WordPress Hosting category (27) will be multiplied by the value 0.90. So, host example.com has earned rating (92.85 * 0.90) of 83.56 for WordPress Hosting product.

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