Looking to host Quickbooks in VPS?

I want to host quickbooks in VPS. Can you please provide details like recommended resources and what is needed?

windows vps
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2 Answers

Marcus Garis answered 6 years ago
Marcus Garis answered 6 years ago

Quickbooks applications work great with Cloud hosting solutions. I would recommend Accuwebhosting's Cloud VPS Hosting as you can perform easy scale on RAM, disk and CPU resources.

Anonymous answered 6 years ago
Anonymous answered 6 years ago

Quickbooks runs fine in Windows VPS and installation is straightforward. I would recommend using SSD Windows VPS as it can provide better performance. The main reason behind using SSD is that they can handle 10 to 50 times more disk I/O compared to traditional storage. You can get the best provider from thewebhostingdir. It is always recommended to choose a Hosting Assured company as they are verified.

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