How much space does the average client on your server use for shared hosting?

How much space does the average client on your server use for shared hosting? I'm trying to make my plans but they seem to small or to large I want some good plans. I get space cheap but I don't want it to look like I'm remotely overselling.

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7 Answers

Robert Kirwan answered 14 years ago
Robert Kirwan answered 14 years ago

most hosting companies have around 200 users per server on a 1TB drive, that gives users an average of 5GB each, We limit our client limit per server based on space, so if we sell 200 5GB packs and have a 1TB drive we wouldnt have more than 200 users, (well infact you wouldnt have 1TB useable space but you get what I mean)

The average space per user is generally 300-500MB

Some will use more but others will only use a few MB so it works itself out.

Nile Hadwards answered 13 years ago
Nile Hadwards answered 13 years ago


Originally Posted by kunnusingh

I have 200+ Sites on my server:

Shared Accounts: Normal 30MB - 300MB
Max Uses: 900MB - 1100MB

Create a 1GB Plan, Oversell and if your disk quota full then upgrade.

I agree with this post. Because of every shared account need a lot of space.

Esecuredata answered 13 years ago
Esecuredata answered 13 years ago

Your looking at each client using around 100-200MB as said before.

each client is different and dependent on what the client is doing. Photo gallery, Forums and so on.

I would say max 350MB avg each client.

Kunnu Singh answered 14 years ago
Kunnu Singh answered 14 years ago

I have 200+ Sites on my server:

Shared Accounts: Normal 30MB - 300MB
Max Uses: 900MB - 1100MB

Create a 1GB Plan, Oversell and if your disk quota full then upgrade.

ServerSea answered 13 years ago
ServerSea answered 13 years ago

I refer you to research first what packages and space other companies are offering. After that you can make your Hosting plans and offer it to your Clients on reasonable prices.

Hostatree answered 13 years ago
Hostatree answered 13 years ago

The best way to go about this is to do some proper research on the plans that other webhosting companies have. That will give you an idea of how to put out your plans.

ServerSea answered 13 years ago
ServerSea answered 13 years ago

Well for small websites people make plan of 100 to 200mb space. Mostly people prefer small space because it is cheap for them.

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